Y moroedd mawr a'r ddaear faith

(Crist yn sylwedd yr holl gysgodau)
Y moroedd mawr a'r ddaear faith
A llu'r ffurfafen
    yw ei waith;
  Er hyny rhôdd ei fywyd cu,
  I angeu chwerw trosof fi.

Dyma'r man
    mae'm sylfaen grêf,
Cyfiawnder bythol
    Brenin nef;
  A dyma'r graig gadarnaf, syth,
  Nad ofnaf elyn arni byth.

Y manna pur, a'r golofn dân,
Yr Arch, a'r Drugareddfa lân;
  A dwr o'r graig
      i'w gael bob pryd,
  Fy Iesu ydyw rhai'n i gyd.

Gwnaeth pechod i mi lwfrâu,
Fe rwystrodd pechod fi'th fwynâu;
  Mewn du-dew nos 'rwi'n dysgwyl dydd,
  i'th gariad wnëyd fy nhraed yn rhydd.

Pa ham caiff nwydau natur grêf,
I attal awel bur y nef?
  Mae grâdd yn well o'th gariad drud,
  Na'r ddaear fawr
      a'r nef ynghyd.

Tystiodd fy Nuw o ganol nef,
"Ce's lawn foddlondeb ynddo Ef,"
  A bod ei saint,
      o fawr i fân,
  Yn haeddiant Iesu oll yn lân.

Am hyny Arglwydd rho dy waed,
I guddio meiau mawr yn rhâd;
  A golch fy mhechod oll yn wyn,
  Mewn afon lifodd ar y bryn.

O! wleddoedd hyfryd eu mwynhâd
Mor hyfryd eilwaith
    eu parhâd;
  Dechreu gwledda, dechreu cân,
  Pan losgo'r byd yn ulw mân.

             - - - - -

Y moroedd mawr a'r ddaear faith
A llu'r ffurfafen
    yw ei waith;
  Er hynny rhodd ei fywyd cu,
  I angau chwerw trosof fi.

Y manna pur, a'r golofn dân,
Yr arch, a'r drugareddfa lân;
  A dwr o'r graig i'w gael bob pryd,
  Fy Iesu ydyw y rhai'n i gyd.

Tystiodd fy Nuw o ganol nef,
Ce's lawn foddlondeb ynddo ef,
  A bod ei saint
      o fawr i fân,
  Yn haeddiant Iesu oll yn lân.

Dyma'r man mae'm sylfaen gref,
Cyfiawnder bythol Brenhin nef;
  'Does achos braw na dychryn im'
  Can's Iesu cadarn yw fy ngrym.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MH 8888]: Gibralter (<1829)

Daeth arfaeth fawr y nef i ben
Doed pob rhyw dymmestl yn gytûn
Mae rhyfeddodau rîf y dail
Mae'r graig mae f'enaid arni'n byw
Wel f'enaid hed yn mlaen o hyd
Wel weithian c'od fy enaid cu
Y Manna pur y golofn dân

(Christ as the substance of all the shadows)
The great seas and the vast earth
And the hosts of the firmament
    are his work;
  Despite this he gave his dear life
  To bitter death for me.

Here is the place
    where my strong foundation is,
The eternal righteousness
    of the King of heaven;
  And here is the firmest, straight rock,
  I will fear no enemy upon it any more.

The pure manna, and the pillar of fire,
The Ark and the holy Mercy-seat;
  And water from the rock
      to get all the time,
  My Jesus is all that.

Sin made me lose heart,
Sin obstructed my enjoying thee;
  In pitch-black night I am awaiting day,
  For thy love to make my feet free.

Why do the strong lusts of nature get
To hinder the pure breeze of heaven?
  A degree is better of thy costly love,
  Than the great earth
      and heaven altogether.

My God testified from the centre of heaven,
"I got full satisfaction in Him,"
  And that his saints,
      from great to small, were
  In the merit of Jesus all clean.

Therefore, Lord, give thy blood,
To cover my great faults freely;
  And wash my sin all white,
  In the river that flowed on the hill.

O delightful feasts to enjoy
So delightful a second time
    their continuing;
  Begin to feast, begin the song,
  When the world burns to fine ash.

                 - - - - -

The great seas and the vast earth
And the hosts of the firmament
    are his work;
  Despite this he gave his dear life
  To bitter death for me.

The pure manna, and the pillar of fire,
The Ark and the holy Mercy-seat;
  And water from the rock
      to get all the time,
  My Jesus is all that.

My God testified from the centre of heaven,
I got full satisfaction in him:
  And that his saints,
      from great to small, were
  In the merit of Jesus all clean.

Here is the place
    where my strong foundation is,
The eternal righteousness
    of the King of heaven;
  There is no cause for terror
      or dread any more,
  Since firm Jesus is my strength.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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